
What Is The Hundreds Place

What is Place Value?

In math, every digit in a number has a place value. Identify value can be defined as the value represented by a digit in a number on the ground of its position in the number.

For example, the place value of vii in 3,743 is 7 hundreds or 700. However, the identify value of vii in 7,432 is 7 thousands or 7,000. Here, we can see that even though the digits are same in both the numbers, information technology'due south place value changes with the change in it's position.

Place Value Chart

Place Value Chart is a very useful table format that helps us in finding the place value of each digit based on it's position in a number.

The identify value of a digit increases by 10 times every bit we motion left on the identify value chart and decreases by 10 times equally we motility correct.

Place Value Chart

Here's an case of how drawing the place value nautical chart tin assist in finding the place value of a number.

Place value of a number

In the number thirteen,548

1 is in the 10 thousands place and has a place value of ten,000.

iii is in the thousands identify and has a place value of 3,000.

5 is in the hundreds and has a place value of 500.

iv is in the tens identify and has a place value of 40.

8 is in the ones place and has a identify value of 8.

Understanding the identify value of digits in numbers helps comparison numbers. It as well helps in writing numbers in their expanded grade. For instance, the expanded class of the number higher up, 13,548 is 10,000 + three,000 + 500 + 40 + 8.

Identify Value Using Base Ten Blocks

The identify value of digits in numbers tin also be represented using base of operations-x blocks and tin help us write numbers in their expanded grade.

Before, using the base ten blocks to find the identify value of each digit in a number, allow us offset empathize what these blocks represent.

Place Value Blocks

Here's how the number xiii,548 tin be represented using base-ten blocks.

Place Value Using Base Ten Blocks

Decimal Place Value

Decimal numbers are fractions or mixed numbers with denominators of powers of ten. In a decimal number, the digits to the left of the decimal point represent a whole number. The digits to the right of the decimal represent the parts. As we movement towards correct after the decimal point, the identify value of the digits becomes 10 times smaller.

The first digit on the right of the decimal betoken means tenths i.e. 110. The next place becomes x times smaller and is chosen the hunderdths i.east. 1100 and then on.

Decimal Place Value Chart

In 27.356, 27 is the whole number part, 2 is in tens place and its place value is 20,7 is in ones identify, and its place value is vii.

There are iii digits to the right of the decimal signal,

3 is in the tenths place, and its place value is 0.three or iii 10

v is in the hundredths place, and its place value is 0.05 or 5 100

6 is in the thousandths place, and its place value is 0.006 or six 1000

Place Value and Face Value

Place value and face value are not the same. The face value of a digit  is the value of the digit whereas the place value of a digit is it's place in the number. In simple words, the face value tells the actual value of the digit whereas the place value tells the value of the digit, based on it's position.

Hence, the face value of the digit never changes irrespective of information technology'southward position in the number. Whereas, the place value of the digit changes with the change in the position.

For instance, the face up value of 2 in both the numbers 283 and 823 is 2. Whereas, the identify value of 2 is 200 in 283 and xx in 823.

Solved Examples

  1. What is the place value of 4 in the number 84,527?


The place value of four in 84,527 is 4000 (four thousand).

  1. Write 412,397 in words using the place value system.


Four hundred twelve thousand iii hundred and xc-vii.

  1. Write the numbers in figures and in expanded form:
  1. Ten yard two hundred and xxx-half-dozen
  2. Vii yard four hundred and eighty-five


  1. 10 thou 2 hundred and thirty-six = 10,236

= ten,000 + 200 + 30 + six

  1. Vii thousand four hundred and eighty-five = 7,485

= seven,000 + 400 + 80 + v

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Place Value

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Correct answer is: 8
8 is in the ten - thousands place.





Right answer is: 44,211
$40,000 + 4,000 + 200 + x + 1 = 44211$





Correct answer is: 0.8
viii is at the tenths place and has a place value of $\frac{8}{x}$ or 0.8.

Frequently Asked Questions

Place value has its awarding in many mathematical concepts. It builds the foundation for regrouping, multiplication, etc.

Manipulatives such equally base-10 blocks, snap cubes, unifix cubes, beans, etc., are used to develop place value understanding.

No. The identify value of a digit decreases by x times as information technology moves from left to correct.

The face value of a digit is the magnitude that information technology possesses naturally. It is independent of the digit'due south position in the number. The place value of a digit depends on its position in the number. For case, the 5 in the number 253 has a face up value of five and a place value is 50.

What Is The Hundreds Place,


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